Officer Profile

Daniel Hughes

Agency: LAPD
Rank: Police Officer III
Division: Northeast
Serial: 40338
Badge: 21393
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Employee Pay & Benefits (2023): $178,736


The LAPD made several personnel complaints against Officer Hughes, including:

1. **Failure to Notify**: Officer Hughes observed events leading up to an officer-involved shooting but failed to inform other officers or supervisors during the two hours he remained at the scene, neglecting to provide crucial information that could have protected his colleagues and the public.

2. **False Statements (2016)**: On December 14, 2016, Officer Hughes gave false statements to Detective Lee during an official investigation.

3. **False Statements (2017)**: On September 28, 2017, Officer Hughes again provided false statements to Detective Mylonakis during a separate official investigation.

Sustained complaint documents against LAPD officer Daniel Hughes

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