Officer Profile

David Macias Medina

Agency: LAPD
Rank: Police Officer II
Division: Hollywood
Serial: 44245
Badge: 24907
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Employee Pay & Benefits (2023): $176,967


A routine stop for a missing license plate quickly escalated into a full search without clear probable cause. According to the driver, officers Macias, Chavez, and and then lieutenant Tiano claimed they suspected the car was stolen, stating that the key appeared “shaven.” However, they couldn’t have seen the key’s condition while it was in the ignition. After checking, the key was found to be completely normal. The individuals involved were eventually released without any citation. Following the incident, I went to the station to file complaints for:

  • Biased policing
  • Illegal search
  • Violation of handcuff protocol

Officers Macias, Chavez and Lieutenant Tiano made a potentially unlawful stop

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