Officer Profile

Manuel Bojorquez

Agency: LAPD
Rank: Police Officer III
Division: Metro
Serial: 39742
Badge: 20830
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Employee Pay & Benefits (2023): $238,651


Manuel Bojorquez was one of several officers involved in a vehicle pursuit and subsequent unlawful search and detention during an incident on March 3, 2015. Key Allegations Against Bojorquez:

  1. Unlawful Search: Bojorquez participated in the warrantless search of a residence without cause.
  2. Unlawful Detention: He was involved in detaining multiple occupants of the residence without lawful justification.

Investigation Outcomes:

  • Both allegations were sustained following a review, which determined that the Bojorquez’s actions violated department policy and lacked exigent circumstances to justify the searches.

Complete Internal Affairs file for complaint sustained against Manuel Bojorquez leading to recommended official reprimand

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