Officer Profile

David Llewellyn

Agency: LAPD
Rank: Police Officer II
Division: Northeast
Serial: 39814
Badge: 20901
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Employee Pay & Benefits (2023): $197,712


An investigation into Officer David Llewellyn’s actions during a 2017 incident resulted in sustained allegations of misconduct, including failing to fully report an unnecessary use of force and submitting inaccurate documentation. Key findings:

  • Failure to Report: Llewellyn did not disclose that Officer McLaws had pushed a handcuffed suspect into a patrol car, causing her to fall.
  • Inaccurate Report: Llewellyn submitted an arrest report omitting the use-of-force details, though the incident was captured on Body-Worn Video (BWV).
  • Disciplinary Action: Llewellyn received a 10-day suspension and will undergo additional training on use-of-force reporting and video review. He was also administratively transferred for five years to rebuild his credibility.

LAPD officer David Llewellyn received a 10-day suspension for misconduct in 2017 use-of-force incident, failing to report key details

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