Officer Profile

Rohan Miller

Agency: LAPD
Rank: Police Officer II
Division: West Los Angeles
Serial: 41216
Badge: 22246
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Employee Pay & Benefits (2023): $175,703


On November 6, 2018, officers Rohan Miller and Charlie Limon detained an individual for approximately 30 minutes on suspicion of trespassing.

They handcuffed the individual and placed them in the rear seat of a police vehicle. However, the investigation later revealed that Miller and Limon did not adequately explain the reasons for the detention, and no charges were filed.

Additionally, Miller conducted a search of the individual and their belongings, including a backpack, without sufficient justification or probable cause. Body-worn camera footage showed Miller’s actions during the search, which lacked evidence to indicate that the individual posed a threat or carried contraband. The search was deemed an unlawful search and a complaint for misconduct was sustained

LAPD officer Rohan Miller receives a sustained complaint for an illegal search

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