Officer Profile

Charlie Limon

Agency: LAPD
Rank: Police Officer II
Division: West Los Angeles
Serial: 41257
Badge: 20077
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Employee Pay & Benefits (2023): $204,947


Charlie Limon was involved in a complaint regarding unlawful arrest and search.

On November 6, 2018, Officer Limon and Officer Rohan Miller responded to a call at the Westside Democratic Headquarters concerning an individual allegedly causing a disturbance. The officers detained and searched the individual without adequate justification, resulting in allegations of misconduct.

Officer Limon was specifically implicated in searching the individual and their belongings, including a backpack, without a warrant or probable cause. The investigation found that his actions, alongside those of Officer Miller, did not adhere to departmental policies regarding searches and seizures.

Ultimately, the allegations against Limon were sustained.

LAPD officer Chalie Limon receives a sustained complaint for an unlawful search

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